Great Buy Of The Week!

Happy Memorial Day! I hope all of you had a wonderful long weekend, and ate and drank some yummy food! Both of my grandfathers served in the army, so this day is always special, as it’s a reminder of how they both fought for our freedom long before I was even thought of. And what a great nation (and we do have so much more work to do) that we live in! RIP Daddy Rogers and Papa Joe!
To celebrate this holiday, it was pretty low-key in my household, as Vito woke up with a stuffy nose and just not feeling like himself. He was very clingy and just wanted to lay up under me or Chris all day. So the first half of my day was spent something like this:

Vito sleeping (or just laying on me when he was awake, no makeup, hair not combed, and teeth not even brushed! ha! #momlife)

Because Vito was feeling under the weather all morning and early afternoon, Chris suggested I take Zé with me to run the errands that I had to run, and he stayed home with Vito. So Zé and I headed out to pick up groceries, (including ingredients to make banana pudding! yummy!), and a few other stops. I wore a simple striped sundress with flat sandals:

Dress came from Marshalls! Sandals from 2 summers ago.

Shopping trips with the kids tend to make the visit to the grocery store a little bit longer than usual, because they like to help pick out things that we need don’t need:


We seriously already have 5 million bags of chips at home. And the good kind. Not some plain, baked whatever kind that she picked out lol!
When we got home, Vito was happy to see us and feeling so much better! That sleeping off and on for the day did him well! 🙂
And finally, what this post is even about, my Great Buy of the Week. I was looking for a small bookshelf (even smaller then our already 3 shelf bookcase) to store the kids’ books in. I wanted something where they could easily see the cover of the books, and something that they could put their books back in place neatly once they picked out whichever book they wanted. No, they’re not reading yet, but they like being read to, and we’ve made it tradition that before bed, they can pick out a book, and Chris or I will read it to them. (Well let’s be honest: they prefer Chris because apparently his Dr. Seuss voice is just spectacular. Lol!) Plus, reading was such a huge part of my childhood. I absolutely loved to read, and loved collecting books. I still read today, though not as often as I used to. (Shoutout to my 4th grade teacher, Mrs. Rycyzyn who opened up my eyes to the world of fiction!)
Anyway, I found a cute, small toddler friendly bookcase on for about $25. It was easy to put together, and holds their books in the cutest way:

My only complaint with this bookshelf, is that I wish the little pockets that hold the books were a little deeper, so that they could hold more books. I’d like to continue to add to their collection as they get older, and right now it’s already at its capacity. Ordering another bookcase like this one is my best option. And to show you just how small it is, here is a picture of it, which sits right besides our standard size 3 shelf bookcase:


The perfect size for little toddlers to grab books and put them back in their proper place.

I’m definitely going to end up getting another one of these. And for the price, that’s not a bad deal at all. I hope everyone has a Fab and Ravenous week!


  1. I love the idea of an eye-level bookcase for the Grands. Also like the early practice of selecting a book, then having them responsible for returning it to the bookcase. Smart–Kids-In-Training. Go Mom and Dad!


  2. That is a great bookcase for the kids! Perfect height for them. Glad Vito is feeling better! Have a fabulous weekend!


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