30 Day Fitness Challenge Is Over!

Happy Sunday! So today is August 31st, which means that the 30 Day Fitness Challenge ended yesterday. How did everyone do?? Well I can proudly say that I lost 6 pounds! Whoop Whoop! Now, I will say that the weight loss fluctuated though. So I’d lose 2, gain 1 back, then lose 3, gain 2 back, and so on. But as of last night I was down 6. (P.S., if you have a scale please don’t get on it everyday. It’ll drive you insane! I only got on everyday to track the progress of this 30 Day Fitness Challenge. But sheesh, otherwise I get on once a week or so!)

At the start of deciding to do this 30 Day Fitness Challenge, my goal was to push myself and to have more discipline when it came to food. I didn’t have a weight loss goal per se, but did want to see if eating better and working out more consistently would have an effect on my body. And I have to be honest, it did! With a person like myself who loves food and loves to eat, it was key that I ran even more than usual, and tried to cut back on the junk. Because let me tell you: this girl loves junk. And by junk I mean chips and dip (I know I’ve mentioned this a million times, cake, sweets, cheese, and everything in between!) So during this 30 days, I eaten something sweet only one time per week. And that was HUGE (and hard!) for me. That something sweet could have been anything like pancakes, peanut butter and jelly sandwich, cakes, or whatever else. I think that cutting out sweets helped me shed those pounds as well.
I will say that when I went to Vegas, I was prepared to eat whatever I wanted, because, well, it was a girls trip! Who’s got discipline on a girls trip?! So I did. Luckily for me though, the stuff I chose to eat turned out to be semi-healthy anyway. (Even though the last day of the trip I had chips and dip for breakfast at the airport. Oops.)
Here are some of the things that I ate while in Vegas:

Surf and Turf sushi roll, which included shrimp tempura, spicy tuna, avocado, spicy mayo


This was a pink martini that Ayana made for all of us. (There was plenty of  champagne and cocktails flowing the whole weekend, obviously lol)


Cheese quesadillas with roasted red peppers. My sister and I ordered this poolside for lunch the day after partying.


Salad on the plane on the way to Vegas. It wasn’t so bad.


This was called “Nove Spaghetti”, which had lobster, shrimp, crab, scallops, calamari and basil in it. Very delicious!


My girls had champagne and wine (plus cheese, chocolate covered strawberries and fruit) sent up to my suite during my bachleorette party. So tasty!


More vodka martinis!

So even with all of that good eating and drinking last weekend, I was able to keep not gain access weight, but only because I made sure I ran 3 days this past week once I returned from Vegas. I’ve learned that moderation and consistency is key! You have to be consistent in your plan if you want to see proper results. And honey, results are just not gonna happen overnight! So anyway, now that the challenge is over, I still plan to keep that same discipline and to remain consistent with my working out. So to help celebrate the end of my 30 day fitness challenge, Chris and I got some cupcakes last night from Dimples Cupcake Factory not far from our house:

2 red velvets, 2 banana puddings, 1 cookies and cream, 1 lemon, 2 strawberry-flavored, and 2 wedding cake flavored.


Can you believe that was $40 dollars worth of cupcakes?! Well, they were gourmet, and soooo worth the money! (And I’ll be sure to run tomorrow to run this off hehe.) Happy End of the 30 Day Fitness Challenge! 🙂

I wore this on the plane headed back to Texas after my Vegas trip.  This pic really has nothing to do with the post, I just love this onesie lol!


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